Subj : Community To : All From : Avon Date : Fri Jan 26 2024 06:24 pm What makes a community? Been thinking just now about this subject. Is it common interests, similar values, just plain on length of time spent together (in person or virtually), other intangibles I can't put my finger on, some or all of the above, or perhaps none of it? Talk about having a bob/dime/cent each way eh? ;) But in reflecting on this, and in the context of BBSing, I realise I've been active in the BBS world since 2013 (I think it was) and with old fsxNet that arrived end of 2015 so lordy that's coming up towards 10 years soon-ish.. And during my time in online BBS spaces and places I've met a ton of nice people via echomail and netmail chat, sometimes over a webcam call, sometimes a voice only one, I don't think any folks in person... New Zealand is a long way away from many places and my jet plan budget is exhausted... well there was never a budget ha! :) As some names come and go I lament their departure, others I wonder how they are, doing OK in life, still alive? In sum, what *this* echomail and BBS hobby banter is (for me at least) is all rather special and something I'm rather proud to have been associated with over the years. They say you should do the things you enjoy, and I'm glad I still enjoy this medium and the social contact (and help when you ask for it on stuff your stuck on in life or tech or... )that comes with it. So thanks guys. /reflective mode off :) Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at] | | --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | (21:1/101) .