Subj : Re: Hello from Another Millennium To : Avon From : AKAcastor Date : Sat Feb 17 2024 06:34 pm AK> I am already having a great time working binkd AK> configuration issues out! AK> I love it! :) A> I can't recall the last time someone said 'great time' A> and 'binkd config issues' in the same sentence :) But A> you win a chocolate fish for enthusiasm :) If it was too easy, it wouldn't be worthwhile! One of the great things about FTN networks is the variety of machines and configurations they can bridge and the experimentation that leads to. (or maybe it's simpler to say the nostalgia is overriding the frustration) :) akacastor --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - (21:1/162) .