Subj : Re: RIP Niklaus Wirth To : Dr. What From : Adept Date : Tue Feb 20 2024 03:02 pm DW> That's why I don't use my gmail account anymore. But setting up my own DW> domain, email server, etc. was just too much work to be of value to me. DW> I did locate a service that I seems to be trustworthy (so far). It's DW> pay, of course, which helps to push it to the more trustworthy category. Seems reasonable. For me, I've been hosting my own e-mail for so long that it'd be more effort to do something else. I don't mean _actually_ hosting my own e-mail, as that's a terrible idea; just using MxRoute to do the hosting for a whole host of e-mail addresses, including hosting my mom's e-mail. So she gets to have an address with her name in it, hopefully without too much hassle for anyone. And, while I think pretty highly of MxRoute (they've had a variety of times where they've gone, "we don't think we did well enough, here, so everyone on this server gets an extra year of service" or "Well, we're synchronizing things, which means that we push back the end date of what you paid for", and the service already doesn't cost that much.), if they _did_ go under, it'd be painful for a bit, but after a few days I'd have all the same e-mail addresses, just hosted on a different server. But, yeah, probably less work to just sign up for a forwarding service. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: Storm BBS (21:2/108) .