Subj : US White House urges devs to dump C and C++ To : Nightfox From : Digital Man Date : Wed Feb 28 2024 09:50 pm Re: US White House urges devs to dump C and C++ By: Nightfox to Ogg on Wed Feb 28 2024 08:31 pm > Re: US White House urges devs to dump C and C++ > By: Ogg to Nightfox on Wed Feb 28 2024 07:06 pm > > N>> I saw this article today: > N>> > > Og> Is the WH a good source for programming advice? :| > > I was thinking that as well.. I wonder if they talked to anyone before > suggesting developers drop C and C++. I don't doubt it. Managed languages have been big in security and enterprise app development, anywhere performance or hardware-access isn't the paramount priority, for a long time now. It's not to say that you can't have vulnerabilites in managed software (they happen all the time), they're just a different class of vulnerabilities that are generally easier to find and defend against or fix than the memory issues that plague C and C++ code bases. It's honestly not bad advice for most projects (e.g. I don't think Apple accepts apps written in C or C++ in its app store). But keep in mind, Rust supports writing memory-unsafe code too. It's default mode is memory-safe, but it's still subvertable. So Rust might not be the cure-all they think it is. -- digital man (rob) Breaking Bad quote #23: Whiteboy's gonna kick your ass if you don't stop wasting his time. - Hank Norco, CA WX: 55.0øF, 84.0% humidity, 0 mph NNE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs .