Subj : Mr. Bates vs The Post Office To : All From : Ben Collver Date : Mon Apr 01 2024 10:38 am In one of the most shameful scandals in the history of Information Technology, the British Post Office deployed a bug-ridden system called "Horizon" for the use of its sub-postmasters (post office branch managers) to report their accounts. Then, when it started producing completely false results, often with discrepancies amounting to thousands of pounds, and those sub-postmasters tried complaining and seeking corrections, it insisted there were no such flaws in the system, telling each one of those complaining that there had been no other complaints, and demanded those branch managers, as per their contracts, must make up the discrepancies out of their own pockets. This miserable saga continued from 1999 to 2015. Over this time, many of those sub-postmasters were driven to ruin. Some were prosecuted and jailed, their stories simply disbelieved. Some even committed suicide. ITV broadcast a four-part docudrama about the scandal back in January, and it has just made its way to us in NZ. If it comes to your town or country, it's worth a watch. The Register has done a number of articles as the story has come to light, as far back as 2019 , right up to this year , . From: , --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The Fool's Quarter, (21:1/149) .