Subj : Bored To : APAM From : Tiny Date : Mon Apr 08 2024 04:19 am -=> Quoting Apam to All <=- Ap> Been bored lately. Everything I usually do isn't really fulfilling at Ap> the moment. I was going through that here. I bought a new laptop so have everything isntalled on that and a pile of games for playing without internet. I know I won't play them but it killed some time. Ap> Just bored I guess. I do small wood carvings when I am motivated. Pretty cheap hobby as long as you don't go overboard. :) Watch Doug Linker on youtube as he has amazing tutorial videos that are good for beginers to advanced. Shawn .... When two Englishmen meet their first talk is of the weather. ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30 --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet:// (Wisconsin) (21:1/700) .