Subj : Re: mastodon To : N2qfd From : AKAcastor Date : Fri Apr 12 2024 03:42 pm n> Did you see Bohemian Rhapsody Chris? n> There was an element of Freddy Mercury that I think n> they tried to play up in that Queen was a band for all n> the folks who were standing around the walls and at the n> back of the other concerts. Since you brought it up, now I'll have to watch it again, enjoyed that movie! n> I find there's a lot of that in this new federated n> space we're all exploring together. It was different n> when I was a teen and maybe more applicable as that's n> the age one feel the wallflower I suppose. Well, we grew n> up but didn't forget it and I think there's some honest n> ability to craft the space we want and as you pointed n> out there's a new generation who are getting a taste of n> this too. One of the things I appreciate about the Fediverse is that there's a feeling of people coming together to try to build something that can be better, and to create more options for people to choose how they experience the network. It's nice to not feel all alone in the quest for a satisfying community experience. n> I've been playing with Gemini this week and started a n> page (capsule) for the BBS for a learning exercise. n> There's this nice Welsh fellow Wil who's got a server n> called Capsule.Town hosting and he spelled out some how n> too's really nicely. and his capsule n> gemini:// Haven't had a chance to check out Gemini yet, but am going to remember these links as it is always so nice to have some how-to's when getting started. n> I think people are quick to write off the experiments in parallels to n> Big Internet but I'm not convinced that Smol Internet is a fad either. I think we're both old enough to remember when Internet was a fad altogether! Who would want to learn to use a computer and type a message when you could just make a phone call? It's always easy to write things off as a fad that won't last, and in truth a lot of projects that we do may not last - but the ones that do last are a direct result of people spending time and energy and dedication, building a foundation, and continuing when others have lost interest. Later on, other people see what's been built and that it works and they forget it was just a fad. n> And there's something really nice about ending up here, n> looking around and seeing that you're not the only one. n> That was perhaps the best part of the BBS thing when I n> was a teen in a small town in the 90's. It's a great feeling to find your people! n> because I knew my alphabet in Kindergarten as we had an n> early PC (an Interact and later a TI-99) and I learned n> the keyboard! Destroyed my chances at a quality n> education! Things were different, and often you felt the n> freak for not fitting in and the BBS's let us look over n> the valley walls and be reassured, there was indeed a n> larger world out there. And isn't it nice now to look back on the luck of having had those opportunities, too. Chris/akacastor --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - (21:1/162) .