Subj : hello! :DD To : Digital Man From : AKAcastor Date : Mon Apr 15 2024 01:39 pm DM> What's funny, a user used to be a lamer if they had a DM> computer older than the current generation or a modem DM> slower than the fastest speeds the BBS could accept, DM> but nowadays it's reversed: Nobody is impressed by your DM> terabytes of disk space, hundreds of gigs of RAM, and DM> dozens of processor cores at gigahertz speeds. You have DM> to run some old piece of crap from the 1980's to really DM> impress us! ;-) Haha! You're right, a dozen cores running at gigahertz speeds sounds downright boring these days. On the other hand, I have a Pocket 386 ordered and en route to me and that is pretty exciting! Pocket 386 is a small notebook-form factor 386 machine sold on AliExpress, from the same place as the Book 8088 that you may have seen 'around' the past year or so. Back to the "nowadays it's reversed" - I also chuckled at the option in BBS software (Maximus specifically, but I think this was common in the 90s) to not allow calls from modems less than 1200 or 2400 bps. Meanwhile today, I am still so excited to have recently gotten an acoustic coupler 300 bps modem! (woodgrain stickers on the side and everything - it's beautiful hehe) Chris/akacastor --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - (21:1/162) .