Subj : Re: hello! :DD To : mary4 From : Ben Collver Date : Tue Apr 16 2024 09:54 am Re: Re: hello! :DD By: mary4 to Ben Collver on Tue Apr 16 2024 10:04 pm I took a look at your github site and files. How cool that you are running your own BIOS! I didn't realize that the Impulse Tracker source code had become available. I'll be looking at that for sure. I was unable to view your Mastodon profile. Chromium-ungoogled says: No page corresponding to this URL could be found. Palemoon says: Failed to load ERROR CODE: APP_IMPORT I've been spending more time in FreeDOS 1.3 lately myself. I've been asking myself philosophical questions like: Which is simpler, ASCII or UTF-8? There is no right answer. :> What part of the world do you hail from? I am on the USA west coast. I thought i saw Japanese characters on your Mastodon page. Are you in Asia? Once upon a time i was interested in game development. A friend asked for help making a PlayStation game, back before the PlayStation 2 came out. I read online that Sony's development kit used a DJGPP cross- compiler on MS-DOS, so that motivated me to check out DJGPP. I only had slow dial-up Internet at home, so i downloaded the bits at the office and at the University computer lab and brought them home on floppies. I was proficient at splitting and re-joining files. I used screen captures of SNES emulators to rip sprites and then i coded a fully functional local multi-player party game with VGA graphics and MOD music. I was pleased with how it turned out, but by that time the PlayStation game project fizzled out. It did give me a lot of practice reading GNU TexInfo documentation and using GDB. --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The Fool's Quarter, (21:1/149) .