Subj : Re: hello! :DD To : Zip From : mary4 Date : Thu Apr 18 2024 07:03 am Zi> Hello mary4! Zi> hihi! <3 Zi> A belated welcome to you, Victoria, and I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself Zi> here in fsxNet -- there are lots of very friendly people here! Zi> <3 <3 <3 <3 thankyou! :3 Zi> Speaking of 286s, I used to have an IBM AT with an original EGA monitor Zi> (I remember this took up quite some space on the desk!). The power Zi> switch had to be replaced in due time as it wore down... =) Zi> HOLY SHIT SO COOL!!!! Zi> That chassis was later on used to fit a 386SX/40 (boy, was that MB tiny Zi> compared to the chassis!) and later on a 486DX4/100, before I switched to Zi> Pentium and AMD K6-2 in a mini tower. Zi> i love the 286 systems! make it a 286 again! Zi> Best regards Zi> Zip (Bj”rn) Zi> <3 --mary4 (Victoria Crenshaw) the 286 enthusiast .... No honey, I can't eat with the family. My computer gets lonely! --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64) * Origin: Datanet BBS | telnet:// (21:1/166) .