Subj : To : Ben Collver From : AKAcastor Date : Wed Apr 17 2024 06:25 pm BC> I've been working on porting OpenBSD ed(1) to DOS. The DJGPP port was a BC> breeze, but the 16-bit port has been a fun challenge and i am not finished BC> yet. :-) BC> When i developed code on DOS in the mid 90's, I used Q.EXE now known as BC> the Semware editor, i think. BC> These days i tend to use calvin in DOS. It's a lean vi clone that may be BC> too minimal for most folks. XVI is another nice one and i think it has a BC> nice balance between features and minimalism. IIRC, xvi is descended BC> from stevie. Someone told me elvis 1.8 on simtelnet is decent, and it is BC> real-mode. BC> I recently tried svared and i think they did a fine job BC> making that editor. Thanks for the great list of suggestions - the only one I've used is QEdit, I have used vi (but never really learned it - I can insert/edit text and exit the editor) but that's it. So maybe its time to try something new here. I've been using an old version of QEdit (3.00 from 1994) but I haven't even memorized the hotkeys, I just go through the menus, so I'm not especially efficient when using it. Chris/akacastor --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - (21:1/162) .