Subj : hello! :DD To : AKAcastor From : Ed Vance Date : Thu Apr 18 2024 09:50 pm I don't have the XP box near me right now IIRC "send to" is a right click option. I right click a file in Windows Explorer, select send to, then select List to get a looksee at a file I am interested in knowing whats what about it. Something else I do is use CTRL u on a Firefox Tab to see the innerds. Learned that from a BBS user some time ago. Learned lots of stuff from signing on a BBS. THANKS ALL. Another thingy I learned is to use the mouse wheel while holding a CTRL key down to change the size of the font on a page. CTRL +. and CTRL - does that too, but not in as fine increments as the mouse wheel method. It doesn't work in all kinds of files but does for PDF's and in Firefox. It makes reading very tiny script easy to read by enlarging what is on the screen. Ed --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (21:1/175) .