Subj : hello! :DD To : Ed Vance From : AKAcastor Date : Thu Apr 18 2024 08:35 pm EV> I right click a file in Windows Explorer, select send to, then select EV> List to get a looksee at a file I am interested in knowing whats what EV> about it. That's a nice setup, quick and easy way to take a peek and see what the file looks like. Good use of "Send to" - I've rarely made use of that feature myself. EV> Another thingy I learned is to use the mouse wheel while holding a CTRL EV> key down to change the size of the font on a page. EV> CTRL +. and CTRL - does that too, but not in as fine EV> increments as the mouse wheel method. I use this ALL THE TIME. It seems like everything opens up either a little too small or waaay to big. Resizing text is maybe the most frequent action I take when using a computer. It was simpler in DOS - when we wanted the text a different size we bought a bigger monitor! ;) Chris/akacastor --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - (21:1/162) .