Subj : hello! :DD To : Blue White From : Ed Vance Date : Tue Apr 23 2024 02:40 pm Where I worked, my section first got a 'hand me down' 8088 XT Clone when our boss got a 286. When the boss got a 386, the 286 came our way. My section used those PCs to send Morning and Evening reports to another office. Myself, I thought the 286 seemed slower saving downloads than the 8088 clone had. The 286 had a faster CPU and bigger Harddrive, but to me I wasn't as comfortable using it as I was with the first computer we used. Later again, the 386 was put on our desk. I was using the Commodore 64 system at home while learning to use DOS at work on those 3 computers. My first DOS PC at home had DOS 5.0 , I couldn't get interested in wanting the early release's of DOS 6 . But that's Me. Ed --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (21:1/175) .