Subj : Early PCs To : Ed Vance From : Blue White Date : Wed Apr 24 2024 08:15 am > My first DOS PC at home had DOS 5.0 , I couldn't get interested in > wanting the > early release's of DOS 6 . > But that's Me. IIRC, the early versions of DOS 6 were not a big improvement over DOS 5.0 and were actually buggy. I did not make any quick moves to upgrade from 5 to 6, either, staying with 5 until well after the release of DOS 6.22. I had the benefit of upgrading systems where I worked and seeing what the various flavors of DOS 6 did (or didn't) do, and 6.22 seemed fairly stable. --- Talisman v0.53-dev (Linux/armv7l) * Origin: * telnet:24/ssh:2122/ftelnet:80 (21:4/134) .