Subj : Local vs Network message boards To : All From : SoDa7 Date : Fri May 03 2024 05:47 am Hello. I thought about starting a topic regarding the fact of, when you prefer to message into local boards or a network such as this one. I think that one of the best things regarding the BBS are their local boards, because I tend to call often a board that offers a good message base on these, with interesting messages and conversations. Even though, the network boards also offer interesting conversations, however these generate a bit of conflict imo - like, when do you think it's best to message on a local board, and when instead do you prefer to send your message to a network, like in this case? I'm sending this from 2oFB, which is one of the best BBS around, rich of features such as a very extensive file base as well as their local boards, and some other local boards I like are the ones of ABSINTHE and Wizard's Castle (which offer some great door games aswell). What are your thoughts about this? .... He's just a few sandwiches shy of a picnic. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>> (21:2/150) .