Subj : Re: Local vs Network message boards To : SoDa7 From : kirkspragg Date : Fri May 03 2024 04:11 pm So> Hello. I thought about starting a topic regarding the fact of, when you So> prefer to message into local boards or a network such as this one. So> Even though, the network boards also offer interesting conversations, So> however these generate a bit of conflict imo - like, when do you think So> it's best to message on a local board, and when instead do you prefer to So> send your message to a network, like in this case? Well as a relatively newcomer to the BBS scene I can vouch for how confusing this all is in the beginning. It really not clear to a newcomer which is best for what topic, what I did was look at how active boards were & used that to decide where to post. Also sometimes you gotta just post a message out & see what you get back. Another consideration for posting or not posting to a BBS local boards is frankly how well setup & easy to use the BBS' message board & message readers are. Like you I'm a 20 For Beers frequenter and that is because it has a great message board & reader setup as does The Quantum Wormhole and no doubt other BBSes. If a BBS has a messaging board and reader setup that is hard for me to follow or understand, I'll put some effort into trying to figure it out but its much less likely that I'm going to use the local boards there. .... "This is abuse. Arguments are down the hall." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>> (21:2/150) .