Subj : Local vs Network message boards To : Spectre From : niter3 Date : Tue May 07 2024 06:26 am Sp> Used to use skype before it got swallowed by Micro$loth... it all went to Sp> shite after that. Had never really figured Discord out though.. or how Sp> you'd find anything to look at over there. Yeah, this is kind of silly they don't really have a good search. I usually use a website to search for discord channels. Teams and Discord are somewhat a like. Personally, I would love to just go back to IRC. But there is benefits such as copy/paste screenshots, videos, deleting messages you sent, emojii's (if that's a benefit), etc... --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64) * Origin: Clutch BBS * telnet:// (21:1/199) .