Subj : Current opinions..on world To : n2qfd From : Nightfox Date : Tue May 14 2024 10:00 am Re: Current opinions..on world By: n2qfd to All on Tue May 14 2024 12:45 pm n2> I can't believe mayonnaise as condiment never entered the fray... I n2> suppose you can take the boy out of Europe but not Europe out of the n2> boy... Next you'll tell me you'd rather have Pepsi than Kvas.... Mayonnaise is very common in the US, to use as a spread on sandwiches and in some salads (such as tuna salad, egg salad, etc.). I don't think mayonnaise is a European thing.. I'm not familiar with Kvas though, but I actually do prefer Pepsi over Coke. Nightfox --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Digital Distortion: (21:1/137) .