Subj : controversy! To : Dr. What From : niter3 Date : Thu May 16 2024 12:23 pm DW> Bringing us back to the "ketchup topic".... DW> DW> Back in college, I had a roommate who was... let's say "acted like he DW> had had a frontal lobotomy", to be nice. I.e. he couldn't think ahead. DW> DW> Every week, I would get pizza fixings - just a crust/sauce combo, cheese DW> and toppings - make a big pizza, eat a slice or 2 then put the rest in DW> the fridge for later that week. DW> DW> He decided that he wanted to do the same thing. So he bought a crust DW> mix. That's all. DW> DW> After the crust is made, oiled and spread out in the pan, and the oven DW> pre-heating, he opens the fridge and says "there's no sauce". Like the DW> fridge was a magic box like the Room of Requirement from Harry Potter. DW> So he used ketchup (see what I did there?). DW> DW> Then he opens the fridge back up and says "there's no pizza cheese". DW> Why he thought that pizza cheese would magically appear since the last DW> time he looked, I have no idea. Now my grandma had given us some of DW> that gov't cheese - which tastes great on grilled cheese. So he grated DW> some of that on to his ketchup covered pizza dough. DW> DW> And third time's the charm, he opens the magic food box back up only to DW> complain that there were no pizza toppings. No substitute here. He DW> puts his processed american cheese topped, ketchup covered, pizza into DW> the oven. DW> DW> Needless to say, it did **not** turn out to be a good pizza. And he DW> complained how his pizza didn't turn out like mine. Was he high? :D --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64) * Origin: Clutch BBS * telnet:// (21:1/199) .