Subj : Re: your opinion of current world situation To : poindexter FORTRAN From : Nightfox Date : Thu May 16 2024 09:55 am Re: Re: your opinion of current world situation By: poindexter FORTRAN to Nightfox on Wed May 15 2024 07:09 am PF> sure, whatever... but OS/2 is THE BEST Operating System in the world, and PF> can run circles around anything else, and it looks nicer, and will cook PF> your breakfast for you, and make your coffee, and has 3D-bordered icons, PF> and is nifty, and looks cool, and is True-Blue, and can run DOS better PF> than DOS, and will take out the garbage, and will get you chicks, and has PF> ... PF> it can dance, and ... oh never mind... it sucks... :P Yeah, I've heard people argue about the Mac, and Amiga, being years ahead of IBM PC-compatibles, but OS/2 seemed to be the thing in its day for PCs. And as far as its looks and 3D-bordered icons and such, I think all the modern operating systems these days have a fairly flat look, and I don't like that.. The companies making the OSes in use these days seem to have all decided that a flat look is how things should be. Sometimes it's hard to tell if something is a button or just a rectangular region for display because they both look the same.. Nightfox --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Digital Distortion: (21:1/137) .