Subj : Re: Pine, TIN etc. To : Blue White From : fusion Date : Thu May 16 2024 08:17 pm On 16 May 2024, Blue White said the following... BW> Tin! That is the name of the news reader that I couldn't remember. I BW> don't remember using ytalk, but I do remember using finger to figure out BW> if someone was on, and then using talk (which could have been ytalk) to BW> chat for a bit. it's kind of weird, there was a whole sort of parallel bbs community on the "freenets" back then. with the added benefit of being able to actually use the shell account to do "work" if you were into that sort of thing. of course if you were in university you'd probably have access to their servers instead (and in fact some of the docs for pine on the internet still include help for accessing email at specific schools) --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32) * Origin: cold fusion - - grand rapids, mi (21:1/616) .