Subj : Re: controversy! To : Blue White From : Spectre Date : Sat May 18 2024 06:03 pm BW> The one time I don't mind pineapple flavoring is when a ham has been BW> baked with pineapple. I won't eat the pineapple, but the juices don't BW> taste bad on a ham. ;) On its way to our semi-regular christmas ham. Scored with cloves punched into it. Pineapple and glace cherries pinned to the top, and heated for an hour and a half or so. So long as the pineapple has had a chance to caramalise and not got burnt to a crisp, it goes well with the ham in question... a bit of flavour goes both ways.. Spec *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware] --- SuperBBS v1.17-3 (Eval) * Origin: Good Luck and drive offensively! (21:3/101) .