Subj : Re: Last Call for Versus Amiga Charts Mag To : deon From : fusion Date : Wed May 22 2024 06:53 pm On 23 May 2024, deon said the following... de> By: ogg to deon on Wed May 22 2024 11:24 am de> > I'm curious to know how one "uploads" to Mystic? I've always had to cu de> > paste when I've tried to us an offline editor. If there is an easier w de> > would really like to know? Anyone? de> de> I actually dont know (dont use it), but somebody commented that they de> uploaded their message vs typing it in. de> de> I'm assuming that you can choose upload while composing? a lot of terminals have this feature. in ZOC it's CTRL-SHIFT-PGUP by default. SyncTERM you'd do ALT-U, select your file and pick ASCII. the BBS just sees it as if you typed it in so there isn't really any "magic" going on.. Mystic's built-in editor also seems to support uploading via any installed protocol.. not really sure why you'd use that if the previous method is available though (transfer protocols would have overhead that might be truly bad on really old machines..) now that i think of it if it was from a Mystic BBS this is probably what they're talking about.. either way i don't really see the use case.. maybe for an announcement or something.. if you need an external editor you're putting some time/thought into your writing and might idle timeout the bbs, and if you're downloading whole messages, responding to them individually and then coming back to post them you might as well use MultiMail instead. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32) * Origin: cold fusion - - grand rapids, mi (21:1/616) .