Subj : Current opinions..on worl To : Accession From : niter3 Date : Fri May 24 2024 12:27 pm Ac> Income-wise it's probably about the same here, if not lower. But home Ac> prices are probably quite a bit less than that. Still outrageous Ac> compared to say, 5 years ago. I would probably made almost double what Ac> we paid for our house almost 20 years ago, but with the current prices Ac> on new houses, we would be right back into the same kind of Ac> mortgage/loan we've almost paid off over the years now. Ac> Yes, housing prices for us started to get silly in 2017. We purchased our home for 190k in 2013 and it now sells for 650. Just stupid! In any sense, we are feeling like we are out growing our home and looking for something else in this crazy market. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64) * Origin: Clutch BBS * telnet:// (21:1/199) .