Subj : Local vs Network message boards To : Accession From : Digital Man Date : Fri May 24 2024 06:52 pm Re: Local vs Network message boards By: Accession to Blue White on Sun May 05 2024 08:36 am > Hello Blue, > > On Sun, 5 May 2024 13:07:18 -0500, you wrote: > > BW> This post got me thinking, though, so I fired up MM on a QWK packet. > BW> It truncates the subjects to ~24 on replies also. I wonder if that is > BW> a *QWK* standard and all QWK readers do it when processing QWK > BW> packages? > > That's definitely possible. I haven't kept up with (or even looked at) QWK > standards. But even taking a look at Synchronet's wiki about QWK it does > seem to show the length of 25 bytes (with the last byte reserved for an > ascii 32 character = 24 bytes). So good call on that, as that would explain > it. Original/standard QWK message subjects can be a full 25 characters. The last byte is not reserved for a space (ASCII 32). QWKE (QWK extended) extends the subject length to > 25 characters (no max length specified). -- digital man (rob) Breaking Bad quote #43: Congratulations! You're now officially the cute one of the group. Norco, CA WX: 64.1øF, 69.0% humidity, 11 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs .