Subj : LETS CHANGE! To : PAULIE420 From : Tiny Date : Wed May 29 2024 06:14 am -=> Quoting Paulie420 to Tiny <=- Pa> I think yer wrong; you should post in your area, with your skills, Pa> asking for that exact dentist - I think you'd be surprised at what you Pa> find if you try looking. I suppose... Pa> Its not the 'us' that f**ked in the U.S. ... I did once though it was 30 years ago since I was in the US with her. ;) (Sorry couldn't help myself - had to make a bad joke ) Ti> I wish dude. IMO the world is too far gone. Pa> No; we just gotta start doing instead of NOT. Lets do, Tiny... I understand your point and I do use the barter system with one person, he fixes my car and I drive him to the air port when he goes. That would be the extent of it all now. .... Man does not live by coffee alone. Have a danish. --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet:// (Wisconsin) (21:1/700) .