Subj : Re: Hamshack Hotline To : Chuck Finley From : Vk3jed Date : Fri Mar 25 2022 08:23 pm -=> On 03-23-22 13:05, Chuck Finley wrote to Vk3jed <=- CF> I *THINK* there are still some volunteer departments around me using CF> them, now that you say that... The departments (plural) my wife is part CF> of use text messaging, not an actual app. So it's up to HER to add a CF> different 'alarm tone' for those. :-) Test messaging has no guaranteed delivery time, which could be an issue. The pager network does, providing it's not overloaded (has happened, but is a rare event). The app is considered a "supplementary"system (it's actually called "Supplementary Alerting System"), and is very fast at getting the alerts, usually beating the pagers by at least 20 seconds, but not always. And while the alert is fast, often retrieving the message can be slow. CF> We have an inside joke... If I hear 'the tone' around 8:15 to 8:25, I CF> ask her, "8 o'clock test?" :-) For some reason they NEVER get it done CF> at 8 pm... Haha, our test is around 10AM on a Sunday, and it's usually fairly close (give or take a few minutes). Vk> I have actually considered installing a hotspot running DAPNet in the Vk> car, so the base station will effectively follow me around. Some Vk> clever timing protocols to make it useful when parked as well. One of Vk> the more interesting "todo" things. CF> All sounds interesting for sure! Yes, definite potential, especially as I'm often not sitting by a radio. Vk> A bigger challenge will be to install something on an ebike when I get Vk> one. CF> There you go! :-) Be sure to keep us informed! Will do. :) CF> BTW - I use an alias on this board, but you and I communicate on CF> another as well... Any idea who I am? No idea, can't tell from here, and the lack of geographic indications in FSX addresses doesn't help. If it was Fidonet, I'd have had more info to play with. :) .... Next incarnation, I have dibs on being a porn star. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia (21:1/109) .