Subj : Space Station stuff To : Avon From : deon Date : Wed Feb 15 2023 08:39 pm Re: Space Station stuff By: Avon to Avon on Wed Feb 15 2023 09:44 pm > ...and this is the same thing I see in GoldEd at 1/100 So, if I've followed this correctly, then: * it either left the orginating system as a bad packet and hub 2 forwarded it on, or * as hub 2 processed it, it became bad. I've seen it a few times with a few messages here in there, and I cant see what could cause it - I think it'll need a packet captured on the source system or, a packet captured at a hub before it is processed to figure it out. The only common thing I've seen is that its a Mystic BBS as the originator of the message (but havent checked what version in case it is a known bug). I'm going to set up something on Hub 3 to see if I can catch it - but its also intermittent as far as Ive noticed. ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .