Subj : Re: JS8CALL To : n2qfd From : Ricky DeLuco Date : Mon Feb 19 2024 12:36 pm n2> n2> I had my first QSO in the JS8Call mode with K4XTT this morning. Nice! Have not been on HF in about 8 years. Moved into a HOA neighborhood and cannot put a wire antenna up or any antenna of that matter. That was and it a Major mistake I made. I am desperately wanting to dump the house and move into a place without HOA. XYL will not allow. Maybe after 40 years, divorce ! N4TDX BBS - Telnet: FSXnet: 21:1/136 * Fidonet 1:135/383 * Micronet 618:250/35 Titusville, FL. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32) * Origin: N4TDX BBS (21:1/136) .