Subj : PE1RRR Packet Node Shutdown / Health Announcment To : All From : n2qfd Date : Sun Mar 24 2024 06:58 am For any of you who also do Packet BBS//data work on the radio we're losing an operator and thus station. PE1RRR -Red has an aggressive cancer and wanted the linked data community to expect systems he's maintained to be shutting down. Forward is below for anyone this concerns. Forward from EastNetPacket Group: Subject: Soon SK (pe1rrr) Date: 23 Mar 24 18:06:00 GMT From: pe1rrr@pe1rrr.#nbw.nld.euro To: sysop@ww R:240323/1815Z 8459@K7EK.#NOKY.KY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24 R:240323/1815Z 57489@W0ARP.#NCO.CO.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24 R:240323/1815Z 7979@AG7BI.#WWA.WA.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24 R:240323/1806Z 26577@PE1RRR.#NBW.NLD.EURO LinBPQ6.0.24 I regret to inform all that I have had the results of my latest tests and the news is bad. The liver tumors have explosively grown, to the point where the liver is no longer metabolizing anything, and that includes pain medication, such as morphine, fentanyl, dexa and all the other possible. Withou the pain management its literally collapse to the floor with involuntary screaming. Its at this point where I have to ask those that are linked to my nodes and BBS to make plans and add additional routes especially if you are using the linbpq_rtg package setup that has also had to have its node updated to yank out a potential route for pirates. Those that are linked for passing mail over AXIP need to find additional routes for fallback for when my node is switched off indefinitely. This is likely to occur in a few weeks depending on how slow the metabolism shuts off, weeks, a month but certainly not a year. 73 and keep the packets flowing Red / PE1RRR / -------------------------------- ][ de N2QFD ][ ][ Queen City BBS ][ ][ ][ --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Queen City BBS (21:1/154) .