Subj : Re: JS8CALL To : Ricky DeLuco From : dotslash Date : Sat Mar 30 2024 03:45 am Hello Ricky, -=> Ricky DeLuco wrote to n2qfd <=- n2> n2> I had my first QSO in the JS8Call mode with K4XTT this morning. RD> Nice! Have not been on HF in about 8 years. Moved into a HOA RD> neighborhood and cannot put a wire antenna up or any antenna of that RD> matter. That was and it a Major mistake I made. I am desperately RD> wanting to dump the house and move into a place without HOA. XYL will RD> not allow. Maybe after 40 years, divorce ! Seems that you don't need to divorce, good things are afoot in the US regarding hams living in HOAs. Read the following ARRL link: If the link does not show up properly, here is a shortened version: You have two good Ham-related things happening in the US: * The legislation is being put in place to stop HOA's from restricting HAM radio operators to erect antennas. This has been sponsored by senators from both main parties, so the blues and reds agree on this one. I am surprised, but happily surprised in this case! :-) * The symbol (baud) rate restrictions on digital modes are to be lifted, with bandwidth for a single digital signal being limited to 2.8kHz. If you still want to remain as inconspicuous as possible, there are awesome HOA-friendly antenna designs out there ranging from attic dipoles to flagpoles to clothesline wires (do some research on slot antennas, it might just blow your mind), so there is no reason at all for you not to hop on to HF. Now is a good time for 10 meters due to us still being in a solar maximum, so you can easily DX all over the globe on 10 with a tiny little antenna. For some off-beat antenna ideas, watch Walt K4OGO's Youtube channel (link below). He uses radios with max 20w output, mostly his Xiegu G90. Walt's channel: Get a nice stealthy antenna design, and hop on the air! Like I said 10m is wonderful at the moment, and for local NVIS on 40m you don't need a high antenna. Something camouflaged to look like a clothesline will do the trick. It won't be the best, but it will work for sure if you have a tuner. Get on the airwaves! 73, Jan M7HNK .... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader! ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64) * Origin: UnderZaNet BBS (21:2/152) .