Subj : Re: Digital Radio Amateur Rado - RPi Reliability To : N1uro From : k9zw Date : Wed May 19 2021 07:01 am N1> While I have several RPi units (that mainly stay in the original shipping N1> box) I've just seen way way too many cases where they simply do not hold N1> up. One guy in 9 land I know went through so many when he tallied up how N1> much he kept spending on replacements he finally broke down and got a N1> nice dell SFF PC for less than he spend on replacement Pis. Any idea what the mode of failure has been? I've broke two - hamfisted one trying to get it back out of a poorly designed case. It still works but I broke the camera connector, Another one I think succumbed to static losing its WiFi chip which again is more Operator Error than anything else. But I've also run a Pi Based VPN as backup for about five years, and have lots of other projects that have worked long term. It does pay to note that not all RPis are equal, as there are a number of builders. Since the whole RPi project orbits around an accessible prince point perhaps the economization of a manufacturer looking to save product costs might not work out so well? Certainly would think twice about using one for a mission-critical purpose. There are upgraded versions and other SBC that might be more appropriate. Another of my RPi projects migrated the same way as this guy's did, but because of difficulties with the RPi supporting certain SSD hardware (current draw appears to exceed what the RPi will allow) so the project moved to a deskbook running Win10. 73 Steve K9ZW --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/64) * Origin: SPOT BBS (21:1/224) .