Subj : RPis To : N1uro From : deon Date : Sun May 23 2021 01:45 pm Re: RPis By: N1uro to Vk3jed on Sat May 22 2021 12:47 pm Vk>> I use the Pis for low load applications, even BBSs. ;) I'll have your spares. ;) N1> You got guts! I would *never* run a BBS on a Pi. Too many read/writes. Wow, I'm surprised by your issues. I've been using PI's for many years now - started on the P1 (connected to the TV as plex clients, powered by the TV) and now have P4's. My main BBS ran on a PI3 for a good two years without any issues (on an SD card). The Net 3 hub as well - for the last 18 months or so. I've never had an SD card fail - I've had them for many years. (I lie, my P4 got really hot one day, because the fan failed - and it started getting I/O errors - but cooling it down seemed to fix it.) Now my P4's run ESXi with 3 VMs - with a BBS in docker that floats between the 3 VMs. Additionly its running on an M2 Sata - which is just a USB device. With USB booting now (which I started using on the P4s), I'm only using the SD card as a backup device. I'm very happy with the Pis. ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .