Subj : Animated Pause Prompts To : apam From : Tiny Date : Sat Apr 17 2021 08:56 am -=> apam wrote to Tiny <=- ap> I like pablodraw.. the currently available version is a bit crashy on ap> anything but windows, but I hear there is a dev version that's supposed ap> to fix things. As I only run windows that's okay for me. :) Well I do have a ubuntu install on the chromebook that I'll use for multimail /if/ we ever are allowed to leave our home to go to the trailer. (I leave my laptop there for the season) We're in a new stay at home order that starts Monday. ap> There's also mobius, which is very good, but it does things slightly ap> differently and I guess I just got used to pablo draw. I'm a horrible artist but want to try and do some wide screen menus while it will probably just be text it's something new to try. ap> I'm thinking I'll do 19-dev very soon. Fixing those bugs in postie ap> revealed some squish bugs which everything uses, so kind of glad you ap> had issues lol (or we wouldn't have got the bugs) Great! :) I'm just glad it's starting to all come together! ap> Also added a newuser lua script (similar to party time) today, it only ap> does new users, as talisman doesn't ask for birthdates. I'll check it out. Shawn .... Why risk a hangover? Stay Drunk!! --- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet:// (21:1/130) .