Subj : Avatar Support To : apam From : aLPHA Date : Sun Nov 14 2021 02:44 pm > I've been working on avatars, because Alpha was doing it and I thought > it > was cool! Awesome, it's looking good! > Alpha and I have been testing it, and you can try out the latest > version > on HappyLand, Alpha Complex will likely be updated too when alpha > comes > back to the computer. Just updated on Alpha Complex. Going to give it a round of testing... > Now, these avatars are smaller than the ones you saw before, they're > 10x6 > characters... to be compatible with synchronet! I'll have to find a use for my larger-scale avatars, but 10x6 makes a lot more sense, since it's already a "standard" in sbbs... Great job and another cool feature in Talisman. And being lua-based, it'll make it easier for sysops to customize if they want. 2 massive thumbs up!! |04a|12LPHA |03Alpha Complex |15- | --- Talisman v0.31-dev (Linux/x86_64) * Origin: aLPHA cOMPLEX: You are in Error. No one is screaming. (21:4/158) .