Subj : spaces in filenames To : tenser From : Oli Date : Wed Jan 19 2022 03:57 pm tenser wrote (2022-01-20): t> * The FSP-1011.003 escape method of "\HH" is deprecated. It's not deprecated, it was never valid binkp. FSP-1011 was never released as a standard and \HH was a documentation error. (if my interpretation is correct) t> * Systems should provide a configuration option on a per-node t> basis to use the FSP-1011.003 method for nodes running software t> written assuming the "\HH" encoding. "It is _advised_ to have a setting for specific nodes to sent escaped characters using the incorrect method." advise is not a SHOULD or MUST. It was not the worst idea when the FTS was released, but it's not really a sufficient workaround and in many cases useless. In the source code and documentation of several mailers, only Argus and Irex are mentioned as the mailers that are victims of the error in FPS-1011. I'm not sure anyone is using Argus anymore (and it has became open source, so it could be fixed). And Irex binkp implementation is a mess anyway and might need some additional workarounds ( All other mailers I know do use \xHH or don't do any escaping at all. IMHO, don't waste time with implementing and documenting a configuration option. Do some hard coded auto detection for the few specific mailer versions that have problems or just ignore the few broken mailers. t> * Software should unconditionally transform "\20" (specifically) t> into a space character in file names. ..... and send a warning message back ;) M_NUL BUG "Your mailer is a victim of FSP-1011. Use \x20 instead of \20." --- * Origin: Birds aren't real (21:3/102) .