Subj : Noddy Update To : All From : apam Date : Mon Dec 04 2023 09:27 pm Hey I've got message reading working with last read pointers updating. I'm going to work on file areas next and then come back and do message writing. If anyone who is running talisman wants to give it a go, just clone the repo: run npm install, then in your talisman.ini add a noddy section like this: [noddy] seclevel = 10 session secret = somesupersecret the sec level is the level at which noddy will determine which bulletins should be visible, the session secret should be unique to your board, it's for storing sessions. I try and make sure things are working before I commit to the repo, but this is all still pretty experimental, and there are likely bugs. If you're going to make it face the outside world, I recommend using behind a https proxy like nginx+letsencrypt (Also I reset the sessions on my install on scove, so if you logged in, don't be suprised that your logged out if you visit next.) Andrew PS. if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, let me know! --- Talisman v0.49-dev (FreeBSD/amd64) * Origin: Smuggler's Cove - (21:1/182) .