Subj : Re: Issues with your Mystic system To : tallship From : bcw142 Date : Tue Jun 01 2021 05:10 am On 31 May 2021, tallship said the following... ta> I got a few new messages in each net's message bases, but something is ta> amiss. ta> ta> I have no idea what's gone wrong, but I'm going to do a rescan next in ta> FidoNet (Al, that's you, coz you're my HUB) and tqwnet which has never ta> actually worked as it should have, so I'll look more into that in the ta> coming days/week. ta> ta> Anyway, thoughts and suggestions are welcome from anyone. ta> ta> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64) ta> * Origin: Vger.Cloud - NOMAD Internetwork (21:2/104) OK, Al did answer you already, just adding my two cents since I had troubles with the latest A47 Alpha in the past (seems to be fine now). You seem to be running A43, old but was functional. You mention things not coming in, one thing Al didn't tell you to check was for stuck fidopoll busy. I use a script in mystic root (showing only the fsxnet part here): #!/bin/bash # busy - check for bsy flags ls semaphore/*.bsy ls echomail/out/fidonet/*.bsy echomail/out/fidonet/00010091.pnt/*.bsy ls echomail/out/retronet.050/*.bsy echomail/out/retronet.050/025b0000.pnt/*.bsy It should return: ls: cannot access 'echomail/out/fidonet/*.bsy': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'echomail/out/fidonet/00010091.pnt/*.bsy': No such file or directory If so it's not busy, but if it shows errors you need to do killbusy: ../fidopoll killbusy all Then check again and it should be clear showing 'No such file or directory'. Then do your fidopoll and stuff should come in. The fidopoll forced should be OK on A43, I remember that as a pretty stable version as is A46 (current release). From my tagline you'll see I'm running the latest A47 Alpha which is working fine now on my Pi/32 and my Linux/64 (AlphaTest) system as well, I made the script above because some Alphas seem to have a lot of busy errors in the past and it was a quick way to know if I needed to do a killbusy. Any Linux users with issues with polling should try it ;) --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/05/21 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Mystic Pi BBS (21:1/145) .