Subj : Re: I moved to Mystic! To : Avon From : Kurisu Date : Sat Feb 24 2024 06:52 pm Av> I hope you enjoy playing with Mystic and/or any other BBS software that Av> takes your fancy. You'll find the guys here supportive and helpful, Av> that's been the general ethos from the get go. Really enjoying it over the past week. Learning new things day by day, figuring out how all the pieces go together. Av> I'm not as active here as I could be but if I can help with questions Av> feel free to netmail me or echomail post here etc. and I'll do my best Av> answer them. I appreciate that. Your videos have helped plenty and, even with them being on the older side, when combined with inferance and the wiki I seem to be holding together. Av> Thanks for being part of the fsx community. I'm happy to be here. Haven't been too active over the past few years but since my interest in running a BBS and the community has grown again recently, I'm going to try my best to contribute to the awesome community that is here. :) --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64) * Origin: Final Zone BBS - (21:3/122) .