Subj : Re: Mystic MPLs To : HSM From : Black Panther Date : Thu Oct 22 2020 09:38 pm On 22 Oct 2020, 06:01p, paulie420 said the following... pa> Im just a newbie, but your calling the ini after you run the mps, right? pa> pa> scrollz scrollz.ini pa> ?? pa> sorry if thats basic and you are... but sometimes i just run the mpl: pa> scrollz Thanks Paulie, HSM, that's something else you can do to test it out. Try running it without the .ini file and see what happens. It does have default settings so it should run with the 'Ad' message that's in there. Let me know if that works for you. --- Black Panther(RCS) aka Dan Richter Castle Rock BBS telnet:// The sparrows are flying again... --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/10/20 (Linux/64) * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - (21:1/186) .