Subj : Re: Injecting a menu before Main To : Warpslide From : Hayes Zyxel Date : Sat Oct 24 2020 09:48 pm Wa> Action List Access List Data Wa> (-Y) Ask Yes/No Do you want to go to the door Wa> menu? (GO) Go to new menu OK door Wa> (GO) Go to new menu !OK main Ok, this is PRECISELY what I was looking for. So very cool. I have already renovated the menus as well to make sure when you get into the game menu that you have easy access to feedback and game chat forums. It is kind of it's own menu subsystem. There is a lot to like about Mystic and how easy it is to do this stuff. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Windows/32) * Origin: Baud BBS (21:4/113) .