Subj : Re: Some new-user Mystic questions To : acn From : Warpslide Date : Sun Nov 15 2020 08:05 am On 15 Nov 2020, acn said the following... ac> 1. ac> Is it possible to use an external editor, like GoldED, to read/write ac> messages? I don't have any experience with GoldED. I know there are some users here, so I'll let them chime in on this one. ac> 2. ac> I've heard (from my FidoNet uplink) that Mystic has some problems with ac> MIS/BinkP crashing and using up 100% CPU when a BinkP connection is ac> incoming- and some sysops switched to using an external BinkP daemon. ac> Is this still a problem in recent versions of Mystic and something to ac> worryabout? I've run Mystic on both Windows and now the Raspberry Pi and I've not had any issues (that I know of) with crashing or high CPU usage. Jay .... What was Forrest Gump's email password? 1Forrest1 --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/10/23 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110) .