Subj : Re: Display menu item only if security level <= XX To : Andy From : Warpslide Date : Thu Nov 19 2020 09:27 am On 19 Nov 2020, Andy said the following... An> Is there any way to display a menu item only, if the user security level An> isequal or lower XX ? An> An> I added the option for email address validation, but showing this menu An> itemmakes only sense, if the email address is not yet validated. An> An> This means that this item should be hidden if the validation process was An> successfully. Yup, you would set the security to something like: s10!s11 This means: "At least level 10 but not more than 11" You could also use !OV which means "if user hasn't validated their email". Jay .... Make frogs immortal by removing their vocal cords. Then they can't croak! --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/10/23 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110) .