Subj : Re: New 132x37 .mpl question To : The Godfather From : Adept Date : Sun Nov 22 2020 11:58 am TG> ok another stupid question time.... Okay, since I don't see other answers, I'm going to ask stupid questions, and give stupid answers, because I very definitely _can_ figure this out; I just haven't programmed MPLs or Pascal and likely will be a bit lazy with my answer. TG> What I want to do is create a conditional procedure and/or boolean that TG> TG> if (users terminal size (don't know the variable for this = 80 x25) then So you want to write an if statement based on terminal size? TG> + New MPL variables "TermSizeX" and "TermSizeY" tell you the size of the TG> user's terminal. So theoretically, you'd have, (in C-style) if(TermSizeX == 137 && TermSizeY == 37) (do stuff) ....though I'd probably write that using "> 80" or whatever is appropriate. Looking at a random .mps file, my guess would be: If TermSizeX = 137 Then If TermSizeY = 37 Then DispFile (MenuName) Else DispFile (defaultMenuName) ....But I don't really know if If blocks are denoted by the areas that have the same indentation, if that's the correct way to nest an If statement, or if you could just write "If TermSizeX = 137 && TermSizeY = 37", of if I have the wrong usage of "Then", etc. Anyway, I'm not sure if that was the extent of your sticking points. I'm not really sure what next to ask, either, for figuring out what it is that you don't know. Do share more of what small next task you're getting stuck on. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Linux/64) * Origin: Storm BBS (21:2/108) .