Subj : Automating file transfers using FTP (or similar) To : Avon From : Oli Date : Sat Feb 13 2021 09:21 am Avon wrote (2021-02-13): A> On 13 Feb 2021 at 05:35p, deon pondered and said... de>> I would just use binkd and a filebox. A> I can't see how I can install and run these on my webhost... I only have A> cPanel access and not any Linux command line access to their server. A> I think I need to find a way to run a scripted and automated login A> process to pass via SCP or SFTP the files I want to my commerical webhost A> provider... I think... :) If you have some (restricted) ssh access you can use scp, sftp and maybe rsync. scp filename username@webhost: or scp filename username@webhost:directory you can use "sftp -b " for executing several commands on the sftp server. See man sftp If you want to run the commands non-interactively (without entering the password) you have to use authentication with a public/private key. genrate a ssh key on the local machine and put the public key to the server. Your webhosting provider should have instructions how to do this. Default is ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. See man ssh-keygen. maybe try sftp username@webhost, if that doesn't work you might have to use ftp (not sure why any provider still allows ftp). --- * Origin: . (21:3/102) .