Subj : Re: FSX_LFE To : Nightfox From : paulie420 Date : Wed May 24 2023 03:31 pm Ni> I don't know about other BBS software, but at least with Synchronet, new Ni> FTN areas don't just appear - You have to add a message area for it in Ni> your BBS configuration, then configure your BBS software to map it to Ni> the FTN name, then send an areafix message to your FTN hub to add it for Ni> you. Yep - I got her setup today just fine... On some other FTNs, new areas just pop up - but they must have it setup differently whether thats correct or not. :P All good w/ an AreaFix message; +FSX_LFE,D=365 |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>> (21:2/150) .