Subj : FileFix rescan support o 21:1/100? To : deon From : Al Date : Tue Apr 20 2021 03:35 am Re: FileFix rescan support o 21:1/100? By: deon to Digital Man on Tue Apr 20 2021 08:24 pm de> The "error line" may be because their is a space after the filearea name. de> Rescan works, except it should be "resend". The %resend command needs both a filename and a file area. A rescan command would be better than trying to figure out what files are available and what area they are in but that's the way it works with htick. Ttyl :-), Al .... This message has been UNIXized for your protection. --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106.1) .