Subj : Automating file transfers using FTP (or similar) To : Avon From : Oli Date : Sat Feb 13 2021 09:56 pm Avon wrote (2021-02-14): A> On 13 Feb 2021 at 09:21a, Oli pondered and said... Ol>> If you want to run the commands non-interactively (without entering Ol>> the password) you have to use authentication with a public/private Ol>> key. genrate a ssh key on the local machine and put the public key Ol>> to the server. Your webhosting provider should have instructions Ol>> how to do this. Default is ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. See man Ol>> ssh-keygen. A> I generated a key locally, copied the public key and enabled it on my A> webhost now am stuck trying to get things to work using scp or (as yet) A> untested sftp etc.. could you give us more details. error messages or an example where you are stuck. A> It's so frustrating and demoralizing trying to get something that should A> be simple to work :( yes, it is... --- * Origin: . (21:3/102) .