Subj : To : Avon From : Al Date : Sun Apr 25 2021 01:52 am Hello Avon, Av> OK got it working but not happy with the %links feature and noted I Av> could set a level for trusted links that is at X or higher. The niggle Av> for me is I have a number of nodes set higher for various things but Av> not all I want to use as trusted for routing PING netmails. If you want to disable the routeto feature you can comment out or remove the last three lines of the You can also comment out the help text in the so the replies don't mention it. Av> I may ask if the feature can be updated such that a specific level can Av> be set as opposed to X and above. There is a way to do that I am sure. Best to ask Stas and see what he has to say. Ttyl :-), Al --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106) .